Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Simple Pleasures

I find that sometimes in life the most simple pleasures are the best.
Yesterday was an exciting day at the Thomas house. Nick found out that he has been chosen to be one of three new hires for Bend Fire! The process has been long and full of emotions. Yesterday made it all worth it. We are so grateful and excited. 
We got to celebrate with friends yesterday and our emotions were running high. Today, we were both exhausted and needed some down time! We made a simple dinner and ate it by candle light. 
I recently graduated from yoga teacher training. This dinner was completely inspired by the dinner my yoga teacher made for us at our graduation ceremony. It was a simple vegan carrot soup, bread and asparagus. I enjoyed every bite of it.
I truly believe that a sit down dinner with homemade food, that is absolutely made with love and care, is one of  the most simple pleasures out there. Nick and I cook together as much as possible. I hope that never changes. Eating healthy, cooking together, and enjoying it sitting down together is extremely important to us. That doesn't mean that we don't enjoy a good treat afterward.
Cuppa Yo is just down the street from us and we had a reason to celebrate! Nick gets the same yogurt flavor and topping every time, vanilla with gummy bears. I on the other hand, love to change it up! So many new flavors, so little time. Tonight I went with grapefruit, snicker doodle, and cake batter. I put a few blueberries and butterfingers crumbles on top. Weird combo, I know. I honestly couldn't decide which flavor to get so I tried them all. Why not. Simple pleasures, what can I say. 

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