Friday, May 11, 2012

Catching Up...

Whoa, it's been a long time since my last post! I have been inspired by a few of my favorite blogs to write a blog and yet, it doesn't seem to happen! Thus, it has been almost a year since my last post. Oops. So much has happened in the last year so instead of writing a forever long post, here is my abbreviated list of the past years happenings!
  • Found out I was pregnant two days before flying to Scotland to visit my dear friends The Adams.
  • Flew to Scotland and Greece! 
  • Got morning sickness in Greece... still having trouble eating Greek food. 
  • Ran a 15k instead of the 50k at the S.O.B. 
  • Had a fun summer of weddings, bikes, swimming, running, and yoga. It helped me feel better!
  • Started the school year out teaching my first year of first grade ( have been teaching Kindergarten for the past 6 years). 
  •  Grew a pretty large belly which turned out to be a pretty large baby.
  • Sawyer Paul was born on February 15th weighing in at 9lbs even. 
  • Sawyers sweet little cousin was born two days before him.
  • Enjoyed three full months of maternity leave. 

That brings us up to today. I go back to work on Wednesday and I have mixed feelings about it. I miss my school kids and all of the staff. I work at a fantastic school and it will be nice to see everyone before summer break. On the other hand, I feel like I am just starting to get a hang of this parenting thing! I love spending my days with my new little man and I am going to miss him while I am work. Thankfully, summer break is just a month away. I look forward to walking to farmers market, sitting outside, taking Sawyer for runs in the Chariot, and many camping trips. I sure hope Sawyer likes sleeping in tent!

Introducing Sawyer

Sawyer- Two Months Old    Picture by Benjamin Edwards Photography