Friday, June 17, 2011


I am in Scotland! I arrived here on Tuesday and have been busy sight seeing, running and biking ever since. I am loving every bit of it.
It is quite a bit different from the Central Oregon high desert that I am accustom to. It is very green here and for good reason. It rains here... a lot! I love seeing the green fields that go on forever. Most of them with sheep, cows or chickens running around. The rain doesn't seem to bother them much. I love seeing the ocean and rocky beaches. I could have spent hours looking at all the treasures that have washed ashore. I love the accent. I could sit in any coffee shop or pub and just listen to people talk! We met one farmer on a run and talked to him for quite some time about life in general. I loved it! I of course also love seeing one of my dearest friends and her family that lives here in Scotland. I have missed them deeply.
Andrea (the friend I am staying with) is training for an iron man! She is doing it for charity and raising money to help a little boy in Africa go to school. This is good news for me as I need to be training for my 50k as well! We spent today riding our road bikes out to the small town of Faulkland. It had a castle right in the middle of town! We saw a lot of beautiful country towns on our ride. The unfortunate part of ride was that it began to rain very hard once we got into Faulkland. We were drenched and very cold. We decided to try and take a bus home instead of riding the 22 miles back to St. Andrews. One problem, the buses don't allow bikes. Bummer.  To make a long story short, we ended up calling Andrea's husband and he was able to pick us up. Thank goodness.
I look forward to many more adventures while I am over here!